1. 為孩子建立一個安全和穩定的環境。
2. 讓孩子有足夠的玩耍時間。
3. 孩子感覺安全,自然會建立依附關係,感到被支持。
4. 讓孩子在遊戲中學習。
5. 為孩子提供不同的體驗機會。
We believe that children can take charge of their stages when they can be given chances to learn in a way that suits them most. STAGE is an organisation which assists children to create their own stage and we are glad to provide the following support.
1. To build a safe and stable environment.
2. To allow sufficient time to play.
3. To build up attachment and bonding when children feel safe and supported.
4. To allow children to learn by games. 5. To offer different experiences to children.
To equip families, inspire kids, support teachers and work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals so that children can overcome their own challenges and obstacles to living to their fullest potential by leading a fulfilling life.
M.A. (Parent Education) B.Ed., (Hons) (Special Needs) BSW. R.S.W, CPPE . QKT, CCW
郭紀璇女士是Stage Edu Net的創辦人,她是一名註冊教師及社工,有超過18年在教育及社會服務工作的經驗,她尤其專注特殊教育及融合教育工作。她推動「以興趣為本的介入手法」協助兒童重建自信,找到自己的舞台。她亦致力於香港、澳門、中國大陸推動特殊學習需要的師資培訓及家長教育,令他們學會跟兒童相處,協助兒童發揮所長。
As the founder of Stage Edu Net, Dorothy is a registered teacher and social worker with more than 18 years of working experience in related fields. She has been particularly interested in areas that relate to special educational needs (SEN) and inclusion in school or community settings. She promotes “interest-based intervention” to rebuild confidence in children who will then be capable of looking for their own stage to shine. She is keen on training teachers and parents who are raising children with special needs in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China. By appropriate skills, they will be able to get along well with children and finally assist them to bring out their strengths.
As the master trainer, Dorothy focuses on bricks-based therapies and training in recent years. She has studied in Denmark, South Africa, and the United Kingdom to become a licensed trainer in different LEGO®-based training which turns out to be very effective in helping children with special
educational needs.